Interesting Connections in My Past & Current Ministry Life: Was it God or Just Coincidences?

Have you ever wondered if certain bits and pieces of your life were intentionally orchestrated by God or just merely coincidences?

I recall specific things that are interestingly connected to what I am currently involved with.

As Missions Month being one of the celebration highlights of the Christian denomination I grew up in, I became aware of the existence of the persecuted believers and people groups who have little to no access to the gospel across the globe at a very young age. We would also have missionary guests speaking at our church, special prayer time for different nations, and other global missions-related activities.

Aside from enjoying missionary stories and having high regard for cross-cultural missionaries and martyrs of the gospel, among all the people groups I got to read about and prayed for, I was always drawn to African people groups. I was not quite sure as to why but all I knew was I found them fascinating. I dreamed a lot of being in Africa, hanging out with the people, especially the kids, and experiencing their culture. Though back then, I never realized how huge Africa was and that there are actually hundreds of cultures. I even thought Africa was only like a single country. Anyways, as an average Asian little girl in a third-world country, that dream would sound like nothing but just another “dream” that could never come true. No one nor myself could see any means and ways as to how that could possibly happen.

Just a couple of years later, “tough times”–as you may call it, began in my life and I somewhat lost that interest. Missions Month became just another event. But I moved to a Christian School under that same denomination for high school. Every United Nations month, our school would require all students to represent a country. We would have to read about it and wear their national costumes on the culmination day. They would randomly assign each student a continent, then from that continent, students would draw lots for the specific country he/she would finally represent. And I could still clearly remember each country I got to pick for those 4 years.

On my 1st year, I was assigned the continent of Africa. 2nd, I was assigned Africa again. 3rd, still Africa. And 4th, finally I was assigned to a different continent–South America. I could not disclose the specific countries for a reason I will be telling you in a bit here but I could still remember how I badly wanted to be assigned for Europe or Asia. I even tried to talk to the teacher in-charge. I was a little bit jealous with how my classmates would get assigned different continents almost each year but I got assigned Africa for 3 straight years. To give you more context, this was a season when I was quite a diva. I wanted to wear princess or cute outfits but…. It didn’t happen.

Years later on, with all other noises of people’s expectations of me and different opinions of which path I should pursue, added my moving towards teenage rebel days, I had already forgotten about missions and Africa but I would still do random sketches of African people or any human portrait with African Styling. Why? I just liked them, no other reasons. Also, I love good gospel singers and I enjoy most native African beats.

Disclaimer: To be honest, I am quite hesitant how to share this because I do not want to come off as racist. But please do not take it as such.

Fast forward to a looong story… I fixed my relationship with God, committed to full time ministries, got married to a missionary, and so forth… THEN… An opportunity which I never expected came. God opened a door for us to serve in Africa. And guess where? In the very country that I got to pick once among the African countries back when I was in high school! All of the things I mentioned came flashing back in a eureka moment. I was so stoked! Even now, I still could not believe it’s happening.

In 2019, all by the grace of God, my husband and I, through CCF Beyond, started getting involved in the church multiplication movement in Africa ’till present. How we ended up doing it is another cool but long story. One thing though, we are committed to doing this as long as God calls us to do so.

Was it exactly how I expected it to be? Well, it’s way way better!

It’s actually embarrassing how I struggled not to stare at the people when I first came to their country. I was right though, the people are beautiful! And the first time I experienced their worship? I was trying so hard to hold my tears but failed! My husband had to kept whispering to me to stop crying because people might not understand what’s going on. Experiencing their culture reminded me of when every people of every tribe and tongue will be worshipping the Lord when Jesus comes. Oh how I just love that picture! I am still in awe up to this day. Even if the place we usually visit are the refugee camps, it could not hide how God wonderfully made them and their culture.

More than that, my favorite thing about this ministry is seeing God’s miraculous power. I must admit, living in a city and being in a church for so long could make everything look routinary and mundane that we forget God is still in the business of doing miracles like how He did in the Bible even in these modern times. Hearing testimonies after testimonies made me sometimes feel like I am living in the Bible. Well, how could it not be? The God we serve today is the same God then, now, and forever!

Sigh. There’s just soooo many stories to tell! Maybe in my future writings. 😉

I am sorry I could not disclose the specific country due to the probability of compromising the work and lives of our partners in the area.

Did God possibly place those things in my life as signs or just coincidences?

It’s fun to have these seemingly trivial details but whether or not they have that deep of a meaning, all I know is that He is sovereign and He already knew where I was heading. It’s Him who opens opportunities. We move forward to open doors, we pray for direction when they are closed. We trust what doors God chooses to open or close. Hence, here we are where we are.

I believe God has given each one of us unique fascinations, gifts, and burdens to play different roles in the body of Christ for the same purpose of making Him known to all nations. There’s nothing impossible with the Lord. If He wills, He makes it happen.

“Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.” 

Proverbs 19:21

Do you also have some interests in the past that are connected to what you’re currently doing?

How has God redirected your path? If you have such blogs, feel free to leave a link on the comments, I would love to read them!

Well, thank you for reading this far. See you on another page!


  1. jesusluvsall Avatar

    Romania had a huge pull for me from God. It was through my seven trips there that God called me to do what I do now.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ms Peevee B Avatar

      Woah! Thanks for sharing! Do you have anything you wrote on about anything that you are doing now relating to this? I would love to read!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. jesusluvsall Avatar

        I shared some before but think I will again. If you search for my series a funny thing happened on my way to be one a pastor you can find some info


  2. Manu Avatar

    Thank you for sharing this. I hope that if anyone reading this feels some things in life happening that they do not particularly like, may they reminder that it might be something that God might have allowed for a specific reason.
    God’s best to you and you hubby as you serve the Lord.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ms Peevee B Avatar

      Oh my.. Thank you for the encouragement! REally ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Deborah Agustin Avatar

    It is amazing how God designs it all for our good. ♥️🥰


  4. jowilkinson51 Avatar

    This really resonated with me, except in my case it was China. As a small child, I tried to dig my way there (in my poor dad’s flower bed lol!) It was many, years till I found the Lord and many, many more till I achieved my dream. The Lord had to prepare me first with 8 years in Hong Kong and 4 in Taiwan (also years in Japan and the Philippines). Now I am old and need more rest and the Lord uses me for gentler things. I have returned to the UK but China and the far east remain in my heart – I have two homes.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ms Peevee B Avatar

      Thank you so much for dropping by and sharing this!! This is wonderful and inspires me more. Isn’t it amazing how God moves and prepares us??? Praise God for you do sister!!!!! Thank you for obeying the Lord ❤


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